Minbari Stealth

 Posted on 3/15/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

As established in the show, they use gravitational and magnetic
drives in many cases.


Minbari Stealth

 Posted on 3/17/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

{original post unavailable}

If I answer that question, the Minbari warrior caste would have
my head for revealing advanced alien tech....


Minbari Stealth

 Posted on 3/17/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

{original post had no questions}

I studied with Vorlons....


Minbari Stealth

 Posted on 3/18/1996 by J. Michael Straczynski <71016.1644@compuserve.com> to CIS

Philip Hornsey <74053.2101@compuserve.com> asks:
> And what did you teach them?

Never ask that question.
